▶ Who can conduct a REP study?
Prospective researchers must have a current affiliation with an established research institution (such as a university, private research institute, or industry). Typical REP researchers include established clinician and PhD investigators as well as residents, fellows, masters and doctoral students, and visiting scientists in a range of disciplines. Researchers from outside of Mayo Clinic may obtain a “REP Collaborator” appointment to conduct a REP study. Further information on how to receive such an appointment may be requested by contacting REP staff at
▶ What approvals are needed to conduct a REP project?
Interested researchers must obtain a “REP Collaborator” appointment through Mayo Clinic. Such appointments provide space for researchers on the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, Minnesota and provide access to REP computer resources; however, REP Collaborators must provide all funding for personnel and other expenses required to carry out their project.
All REP studies must be approved by both the REP Research Review Committee (REP-RRC) and the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to study commencement. These approvals are necessary to ensure that proposals comply with state and national human subjects protection rules. Research protocols are usually 3 to 5 pages long and include the following sections: specific aims, background, methods, human subjects, and a time-line. Sample REP proposals are shown at these links:
Protocols are submitted to the REP-RRC first. After approval by the REP-RRC, documents are then submitted to the Mayo Clinic IRB via web-based forms. Assistance with obtaining REP collaborator appointments and developing REP research protocols may be obtained by contacting REP staff at

▶ How do we protect persons who participate in REP research studies?
The REP Research Review Committee (REP-RRC) and the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board (IRB) review all REP research proposals to ensure that the rights and safety of study participants are protected. All REP studies require approval from both the REP-RRC and the Mayo Clinic IRB. Additionally, all REP studies must comply with Minnesota Research Authorization (Minnesota State privacy law – Statute 144.335, 1997). This state statute requires that persons provide permission for their medical records to be used for research studies. Finally, all REP studies must comply with federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. These safeguards help ensure that the health and privacy of all REP study participants are carefully protected.